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commissioned work

We see our role as designers in understanding heterogeneity in the classroom more as a resource rather than a problem and in providing teachers with a helping tool that they can focus more specifically on the needs of each pupil.

Following successive waves of coronavirus, students are now back in classrooms for in-person lessons. The bond between teachers and students became less clear during remote learning. In previous interviews, teachers mentioned that the physical separation led to emotional distance, causing them to lose touch with their pupils progress, needs, issues, and educational levels.

bachelorthesis WiSo 2021/22
duration: 1 semester

In our work, we were accompanied in the later process by the di2Lesen research team, specifically Laura Thomas and Dr. Martin Salaschek, who gave us great support and material that we could work with.

project workflow
Although we worked with the double diamond method, the research part proved to be extremely time consuming. When we went into our synthesis, we had a point of realisation and did another quick round of content entry to move forward in our process. So in our case, the double diamond does not represent our real workflow.

Within the project displayed you can jump into acollection of terms and deeper knowledge. Beside that is structured into: discover, define, develop and deliver.